Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Church of Gethsemane, Brooklyn, NY 06/19/2010 04:58pm PS

The Church of Gethsemane is a church for the people who are having difficult times in their lives. In particular, this church serves those who had problems with the law.  Yet, they believe that anyone and everyone is God's sons and daughters who will be the first in the Kingdom of God.

1 comment:

  1. 소외된 자들, 약한 자들을 위해 오신 예수님, 또한 구원받을 자들을 위해 겟세마네에서 기도하시는 예수님의 모습이 떠오릅니다; 그 마음을 본받아 사역하는 겟세마네 교회가 참 귀한 것 같습니다.
